That In-Between Place in Issaquah WA
That In-Between Place in Issaquah WA

Do you remember at the beginning of care when you first noticed your posture changing in Issaquah WA? Maybe it was a month in, or maybe just a few weeks, or perhaps even just a few days…
Posture in Issaquah WA
You probably became more aware of your poor posture when it was no longer comfortable. So you’d try to sit up straighter and try on that new posture, but that wasn’t quite comfortable either…so for the next few weeks, you vacillated between the old slouchy posture and the new straight version—slouchy, straight, slouchy, straight.
Maybe you noticed that you were moving around a lot more you became a little “wiggly.” While you were probably aware that it was, in fact, a good thing that your posture was changing, you still felt a little awkward, a little uncomfortable in your body. You found yourself in that In-Between Place, that place where you don’t quite have spinal muscles to comfortably stay in your new posture but your old posture isn’t working anymore, either.
You may have started noticing things changing in your life as well. Since you started care, have you begun to notice changes in your mood? Your behavior? Your spontaneous reactions to incidents that used to really throw you off?
Maybe you’re less prone to road rage, or you don’t completely lose it when you stub your toe on the toy your kid was supposed to have put away. Maybe you have more energy or more of a desire to exercise. Perhaps you don’t have quite as strong an urge to unwind with a glass (or three) of wine every night.
Maybe you aren’t connecting in the same way with some of your friends or are beginning to feel like you don’t want to be around those who aren’t the most positive, uplifting, or healthy in their outlooks. Maybe you’re finding that when you spend time with them you start sinking to their level and it now feels “off” to you.
You don’t like feeling this way and would like to jump to a new ledge but you can’t quite see the ledge yet. You’re so used to the wine and the rage and the reaction and even though it’s not “doing it for you anymore,” you haven’t found a replacement that fits.
So if the junk food no longer appeals but you’re not yet craving Brussels sprouts, don't worry. Your Old Self hasn’t yet totally figured out who your New Self is, but it will.
And I have to be honest and tell you that this In-Between Place is not a one-and-done experience. As you continue on your healing journey, and you go deeper, discover more, and enter new areas of transformation and growth, you will enter new In-Between Places. They will most likely feel as awkward and uncomfortable as the first time.
Fortunately, the more we have these experiences, the more deeply we understand that discomfort is the precursor for transformation and growth.
So what is it that is going on in our bodies that’s creating these changes to happen so predictably?
As our nervous systems begin to unwind and we break free of our old patterns, our bodies naturally reject the strategies that are no longer serving them. When we get out of survival mode the unhealthy food and drink, the unproductive reactions, and the toxic friends start to be less appealing. We begin gravitating towards situations and experiences with a higher vibration—the things that are vibrating at our new frequency.
However, even though we’ve rejected these old strategies and want new ones, we don’t have these new behaviors and experiences established yet. We’ve been in our old patterns for so long, and change can be uncomfortable.
Just remember to enjoy the journey. Be kind to yourself, don’t get frustrated, celebrate the messiness, and know that this is all happening because you’re on the road to becoming the best, healthiest, most empowered version of you that you’ve ever been.
So be patient and before you know it, you’ll be spontaneously walking tall both on the outside and the inside.
Dr. Deanna Poneman, D.C.
8:30am - 6:30pm
8:30am - 6:30pm
8:30am - 6:30pm
8:30am - 6:30pm
8:30am - 6:30pm
9:30am - 12:30pm
Way of Life Wellness Center
355 NW Gilman Blvd # 105
Issaquah, WA 98027
P: (425) 313-0433
F: (425) 313-5069